Stanley Marketplace opened in the Stapleton Neighborhood of NE Denver in an old 100, 000 square foot aviation production facility. The clients were looking to establish their brand impact through the interior design of the space.
We had a great corner location on the main entrance of the building, with 2 stories enhanced with massive steel I beams, industrial details, and high transom window that brought a lot of natural light into the space.
We focused on a simple flow for fast casual style service, and played int the tall space with aluminum tread plating that created awning accents and broke of the room for a visual diversity. We used the existing brand colors throughout to carry the brand impact.

“We were looking for a refined looked with our third retail location, something more detailed from the previous DIY designs. Dave delivered a design that carried the brand aspects and playful, clean impact that defines our company.” The aesthestic really helped enhance the mood of the space to welcome the broad demographic that we serve. Sincere thanks to the whole Shike Design team!”
- Barry David (Owner)